Monday, November 10, 2008


Here is a list of the November birthdays!

Nov. 5 - Jeff

Nov. 10 - Chris

Nov. 11 - Michelle

Nov. 11 - Brian (Grandpa Feyen's would have been the 11th also)

Nov. 12 - Meredith Anderson

Nov. 15 - Abby Grable

Nov. 18 - Steve Geelhoed

Nov. 21 - Joshua

Nov. 28 - Deb Anderson


Rach said...

Thanks Julia! Nice to stay updated, but how come some people have last names and some people don't?

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the birthday's from Aunt Judy. When she sent me the e-mail thats how she typed it out, and I just copy and pasted it! So yea... thats why its that way.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
I started the last names of people who have duplicate names in the family (like Abby Grable and Abby Hendriksma) so that you would know which one it was, but then my over 40 brain just got absentminded and kept adding last names when I didn't need too. Just wait you'll be over 40 some day too. It's great fun. :-) Judy